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Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery

ACGC has been having a very busy year, working with more participants than ever, and growing our partnerships with organisations across West Wales including a range of programmes in partnership with Hywel Dda University Health Board.

Following the great news that we were successful in securing Arts Council of Wales funding for the next three years, and the continued support of our partners, we shall be taking every opportunity to expand our programme to provide more projects and to support our artists in the amazing work that they do with communities across West Wales.

However, recent visitors to the Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery, and to our various social media platforms, will have seen that some things at Arts Care Gofal Celf are changing.

As we come to terms with the impending retirement of our gallery manager, Eiryl George, who will be leaving us later this year after over 10 years of developing Oriel Bevan Jones into a wonderful, creative and inviting space, we have entered a period of transition.

We are in the process of transforming the space, which may involve moving our offices back to the ground floor on a temporary basis whilst we endeavour to find a long-term home which can accommodate all our project, administrative and exhibiting needs in a fully accessible building. This will, inevitably, lead to disruption of the current gallery as this transformation gets underway.

The gallery will, therefore, be closed over the coming weeks whilst this work begins. We will keep you updated of the progress we make, and we look forward to your company on this journey.

Mae ACGC wedi bod yn cael blwyddyn brysur iawn, yn gweithio gyda mwy o gyfranogwyr nag erioed, ac yn tyfu ein partneriaethau gyda sefydliadau ar draws Gorllewin Cymru gan gynnwys ystod o raglenni mewn partneriaeth â Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda.

Yn dilyn y newyddion gwych ein bod wedi llwyddo i sicrhau cyllid gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru am y tair blynedd nesaf, a chefnogaeth barhaus ein partneriaid, byddwn yn achub ar bob cyfle i ehangu ein rhaglen i ddarparu mwy o brosiectau ac i gefnogi ein hartistiaid yn y gwaith anhygoel y maent yn ei wneud gyda chymunedau ar draws Gorllewin Cymru.

Fodd bynnag, bydd ymwelwyr diweddar ag Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery, ac â’n llwyfannau cyfryngau cymdeithasol amrywiol, wedi gweld bod rhai pethau yn Arts Care Gofal Celf yn newid.

Wrth inni ddod i delerau ag ymddeoliad ein rheolwr oriel, Eiryl George, sydd ar ddod, a fydd yn ein gadael yn ddiweddarach eleni ar ôl dros 10 mlynedd o ddatblygu Oriel Bevan Jones yn ofod gwych, creadigol a deniadol, rydym wedi mynd i mewn i gyfnod o drawsnewid. .

Rydym yn y broses o drawsnewid y gofod, a all olygu symud ein swyddfeydd yn ôl i’r llawr gwaelod dros dro wrth i ni ymdrechu i ddod o hyd i gartref hirdymor a all ddarparu ar gyfer ein holl anghenion prosiect, gweinyddol ac arddangos mewn lleoliad cwbl hygyrch. adeilad. Bydd hyn, yn anochel, yn arwain at darfu ar yr oriel bresennol wrth i'r trawsnewid hwn fynd rhagddo.

Bydd yr oriel, felly, ar gau dros yr wythnosau nesaf tra bydd y gwaith hwn yn dechrau. Byddwn yn rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ichi am y cynnydd a wnawn, ac edrychwn ymlaen at eich cwmni ar y daith hon.

Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery has been established in King Street, Carmarthen since 2013 and is named after the late Dr. Huw Bevan Jones who believed in the therapeutic benefit of art and who encouraged and facilitated connecting people who were suffering from mental ill-health with professional art and artists. In

everything we do, Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery strives to support that ethos and legacy.

Mae Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery wedi’i sefydlu yn Heol y ​Brenin, Caerfyrddin ers 2013 ac mae wedi’i henwi ar ôl y ​diweddar Dr.Huw Bevan Jones a gredai ym muddiant ​therapiwtig celf ac a weithiodd i annog a hwyluso cysylltu ​pobl a oedd yn dioddef gyda chelf ac artistiaid ​proffesiynol. Ym mhopeth a wnawn, mae Oriel Bevan ​Jones Gallery yn ymdrechu i gefnogi’r ethos a’r ​etifeddiaeth honno.

Showcasing the work of the many professional artists on the Arts Care Gofal Celf register, Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery has a range of items from over 30 professional Gallery Artists alongside 20 changing exhibitions throughout each year, with the art forms ranging from sculpture and fine art to ceramics and jewellery and many more.

Yn arddangos gwaith yr artistiaid proffesiynol niferus ar gofrestr ​Arts Care Gofal Celf, mae gan Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery ​amrywiaeth eang o eitemau gan dros 30 o Artistiaid proffesiynol ​ynghyd ag 20 o arddangosfeydd newidiol drwy gydoly flwyddyn. ​Mae eu ffurfiau celf yn amrywio o gerflunio a cain, celfi gerameg, ​gemwaith a llawer mwy.


The Steve Allison Studio

Stwdio Steve Allison

Following the sad passing of internationally renowned photographer & graphic artist, Steve Allison in 2021, his family very generously and thoughtfully donated his photographic equipment to us at the gallery. In his honour, we established The Steve Allison Studio. This has provided Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery and Arts Care Gofal Celf with a powerful and meaningful opportunity to further support the work of professional creatives during these times of significant financial challenge for many. It has, in turn, allowed us to enhance and grow the role we serve within the arts community in Wales.

Yn dilyn marwolaeth drist ffotograffydd ac artist graffeg o fri rhyngwladol Steve Allison yn 2021, rhoddodd ei deulu, yn hael ac yn feddylgar iawn, ei offer ffotograffig i ni yn yr oriel. Er anrhydedd iddo, fe wnaethom sefydlu Stiwdio Steve Allison. Mae hyn wedi rhoi cyfle pwerus ac ystyrlon i Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery and Arts Care Gofal Celf i gefnogi gwaith pobl greadigol proffesiynol ymhellach yn ystod y cyfnod hwn o her ariannol sylweddol i lawer.


The Creative Room

Yr Ystafell Greadigol

The Creative Room is a safe and warm space for small groups to participate in a range of creative activities. This also offers an opportunity for artists to work with small groups, gaining experience before leading larger workshop projects. We are also in the process of curating a Creative Reference Library for the people and groups we work with. This will provide an invaluable resource for supporting and enhancing the role we play in the arts in health and wellbeing landscape of Wales.


Rydym hefyd wedi creu Yr Ystafell Greadigol sy’n ofod diogel a chynnes i grwpiau bach gymryd rhan mewn amrywiaeth o weithgareddau creadigol. Mae hyn hefyd yn cynnig cyfle i artistiaid weithio gyda grwpiau bach, gan ennill profiad cyn arwain prosiectau gweithdy mwy.

Rydym hefyd yn curadu Llyfrgell Gyfeirio Greadigol i'r bobl a’r grwpiau rydym yn gweithio gyda. Bydd hyn yn darparu adnodd amhrisiadwy ar gyfer cefnogi a gwella'r rôl rydym yn ei chwarae yng nghymunedau'r celfyddydau ac iechyd meddwl yng Ngorllewin Cymru