Arts Care
Gofal Celf
Arts Care Gofal Celf believes in the power of the expressive arts to transform lives.
For over 35 years, we have been at the forefront of arts in health in Wales, using art to improve health, wellbeing and community cohesion.
We work with an expansive range of community groups as well as within clinical and healthcare settings. As an early pioneer of Arts in Health in Wales, we have evolved our practice to ensure that we offer innovative and creative interventions for those whom we support.
Mae Arts Care Gofal Celf yn credu mewn gallu celfyddydau mynegiannol i drawsnewid bywydau.
Ers dros 35 o flynyddoedd, rydym ar flaen y gad ym maes celfyddydau mewn iechyd yng Nghymru, gan ddefnyddio celf i wella iechyd, lles a chydlyniad cymunedol.
Rydym yn gweithio gydag ystod eang o grwpiau cymunedol ac o fewn lleoliadau clinigol a gofal iechyd. Fel un o arloeswyr cynnar y celfyddydau, iechyd a lles yng Nghymru, rydym wedi datblygu ein harferion er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn cynnig ymyriadau arloesol a chreadigol i’r rhai rydym yn eu cefnogi.
Donate to Us
As a registered charity, we rely on sponsors and donations to ensure that we can deliver our projects and continue to have an impact on those whom we support.
Donating is quick and easy - by scanning this QR code , you will be taken to our fundraising page where you can contribute to our charity and play a role in benefitting people of West Wales.
Fel elusen gofrestredig, rydym yn dibynnu ar noddwyr a rhoddion i sicrhau y gallwn gyflawni ein prosiectau a pharhau i gael effaith ar y rhai yr ydym yn eu cefnogi.
Mae rhoi yn gyflym ac yn hawdd - trwy sganio'r cod QR hwn, byddwch yn cael eich tywys i'n tudalen godi arian lle gallwch gyfrannu at ein helusen er lles pobl Gorllewin Cymru.
Thank you
Our Work
Our work encompasses providing participants the opportunity to engage with professional artists who are experienced in working with individuals and communities in an inspirational and supportive way. They facilitate workshops that promote engagement, inclusion and personal development. ACGC has maintained a register of professional artists representing a wide range of dance, visual arts, crafts, performance, writing and other creative practices. We find the best professional artists to deliver single workshop events, longer term programmes, performances, festivals, artist residencies, public art projects and host exhibitions in our Oriel Bevan Jones Gallery.
Mae ein gwaith yn cynnwys rhoi cyfle i gyfranogwyr ymgysylltu ag artistiaid proffesiynol â phrofiad o weithio gydag unigolion a chymunedau mewn ffordd ysbrydoledig a chefnogol. Maent yn hwyluso gweithdai sy'n hyrwyddo ymgysylltu, cynhwysiant a datblygiad personol. Mae ACGC yn cadw cofrestr o artistiaid proffesiynol sy'n cynrychioli ystod eang o ddawns, celfyddydau gweledol, crefftau, perfformio, ysgrifennu ac arferion creadigol eraill. Mae gennym ystod eang o artistiad proffesiynol i gyflwyno digwyddiadau gweithdy unigol, rhaglenni tymor hwy, perfformiadau, gwyliau, preswyliadau i artistiaid, prosiectau celf cyhoeddus yn ogystal â chynnal arddangosfeydd yn ein horiel sef, Oriel Bevan Jones.
ACGC was founded in 1987 as a partnership between health, social care and the arts sectors. Having worked extensively developing creative programmes within the mental health sector, as the organisation developed, we have built up relationships with other health, social care and community organisations. Through these partnerships, we devised programmes that address the needs and aspirations of a wide variety of participants particularly those disadvantaged by ill-health, disabilities, poverty and other causes of isolation and exclusion. Consequently, ACGC today works with many partners and communities to increase participation in the arts and contribute to the wellbeing of people from all walks of life.
We have enjoyed it so much. It's been the highlight of the year so far. Fabulous classes with the lovely Jacky (artist)- obviously being creative with clay was brilliant but also the chatter and laughter - we didn't want it to end! All the sessions we've attended with ACGC have been so enriching and inspiring. Thank you for the opportunity.
Participant from our Creative Carers Project
Sefydlwyd ACGC ym 1987 fel partneriaeth rhwng y sectorau iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol a’r celfyddydau. Ar ôl gweithio yn datblygu rhaglenni creadigol o fewn y sector iechyd meddwl, wrth i’r sefydliad ddatblygu, rydym wedi meithrin cydberthnasau â sefydliadau iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol a chymunedol eraill. Trwy'r partneriaethau hyn, dyfeiswyd rhaglenni sy'n mynd i'r afael ag anghenion a dyheadau amrywiaeth eang o gyfranogwyr, yn enwedig y rhai sydd dan anfantais achos afiechyd, anableddau, tlodi ac achosion eraill o ynysu a chael eu heithrio. O ganlyniad i hyn, mae ACGC heddiw yn gweithio gyda llawer o bartneriaid a chymunedau i gynyddu cyfranogiad yn y celfyddydau a chyfrannu at les pobl o bob cefndir.
Hoffwn ddiolch i Arts Care Gofal Celf am bedwar tymor gwych. Bu'r grŵp yn elwa'n aruthrol dros y pedwar tymor - gan ddysgu gwahanol arddulliau a fformatau - i gyd mewn awyrgylch hwyliog o dan arweiniad arbenigol Aneirin.
Cheryl, Ysgrifennu Creadigol a Barddoniaeth gan Aneirin Karadog
Get Involved
Dewch ac ymuno
Follow us on Facebook to see what’s going on or email info@acgc.co.uk to add your name to our mailing list and be the first to hear when new workshops go live.
Dilynwch ni ar Facebook i weld beth sy’n digwydd neu e-bostiwch info@acgc.co.uk i ychwanegu eich enw at ein rhestr post a byddwch y cyntaf i glywed pan fydd gweithdai newydd yn dechrau.
Dance / Dawnsio
Community Projects /
Prosiectau Cymunedol
Silly Portraits with Kelly in Pencader
Brechfa Stories From The Forest
Portreadau Gwirion gyda Kelly ym Mhencader
Straeon Brechfa o’r Goedwig
Our Sponsors & Networks
Ein Noddwyr a'n Rhwydweithiau
Ground Floor, 24 King Street, Carmarthen, SA31 1BS
Llawr Gwaelod, 24 Heol y Brenin, Caerfyrddin, SA31 1BS Email/Ebost: info@acgc.co.uk
Tel/Ffôn: 01267 243815 Web/Wê: artscaregofalcelf.com
Company Registration No/Rhif Cwmni Gofrestredig: 2864166 Registered Charity No/Rhif Elusen Gofrestredig: 1050273
Copyright Arts Care Gofal Celf 2024